Tucker Carlson’s Own Lawyers Don’t Believe Him. You Shouldn’t Either.

Azhurel Mendes
4 min readNov 6, 2022


In 2020, former model Karen McDougal sued Tucker Carlson for libel after he said on his show that she was blackmailing then-president Trump. His Lawyer’s defense? Tucker Carlson is too ridiculous for anyone reasonable to believe…The best part? It worked.

New York judge dismissed the lawsuit saying “The general tenor of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses & is instead engaging in exaggeration & non-literal commentary. Fox [lawyers] persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer will arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism [about the statements he makes].”

Yes, you heard that correctly. Fox New’s lawyers won the libel lawsuit by successfully arguing that Tucker Carlson is so ridiculous, that “any reasonable viewer” would be skeptical of his commentary & would not believe that he is stating actual facts. The thing is? They’re not wrong.

Tucker Carlson is not stating facts & is often engaging in clear exaggeration. Problem is, most of his viewers seem to not be “reasonable” enough to have skepticism towards what he says, like the judge assumed they should. The even bigger problem is that a lot of his exaggerations seem to be rooted in deep troubling bigotry. Just listen to his quotes from a radio show in 2006 where he said Iraqis are “semiliterate primitive monkeys” who don’t “behave like human beings” & should“just shut the f*ck up & obey”. Don’t believe me? Media Matters has the entire radio show recordings available to listen to yourself.

It then shouldn’t come as a surprise that this man’s main talking points are either divisive culture war non-sense or being against immigration & diversity. Citing long debunked statistics & hand-picked anecdotal stories to “prove” illegal immigrants & furthermore people of different cultures are a negative thing to the United States, normalizing white-nationalist talking points.

Before anyone argues with that, yes that is an example of blatant white nationalism, which is the belief that the ideal nation for a white person, is a nation of mostly or entirely white people. When he runs segments like “Illegal Immigration Divides Us” & “How Exactly Is Diversity Our Strength?” saying things like “Is a marriage stronger when spouses have radically different beliefs? Are you closer to your kids when you share no common points of reference? Do you speak the same language as your best friend? Could you be best friends if you didn’t?” on his Fox TV show & “Is diversity our strength? The less we have in common, the stronger we are? Is that true of families? Is it true in neighborhoods or businesses? Of course not. Then why is it true of America? Nobody knows.” in a section of his book on why diversity is a weakness, you really shouldn’t be outraged when I call him a white nationalist.

While I could go on for paragraphs about how this false-equivalence that white nationalists make all the time is non-sense given how intimate personal relationships aren’t the same as an entire country with millions of people. You don’t HAVE to have relationships with the brown folk if you don’t want, Tucker. He’s just trying to stir up fear in older people who loathe the idea of the America they grew up in changing, & instill worries in close-minded people (especially frustrated blue collar workers) who are uncomfortable with people of other cultures coming into the country. Especially those “low skilled men stealing American jobs” who the working class loves to falsely blame for their problems.

It’s no surprise that Neo-Nazis love Tucker. He brought replacement theory, white genocide, & of course, white nationalism to the mainstream. It’s no surprise Alt-Right Podcaster Nick Fuentes cheered on about how “This week Tucker redpilled 4 million people & there is nothing liberals can do about it.” It’s no surprise his segments are often re-uploaded onto the Neo-Nazi website “The Daily Stormer”. It’s no surprise comments like this can be found under Tucker Carlson’s segments on the internet: “Tucker sat down & proved white genocide was real. That white nationalists & white supremacists were 100% right & that it is being systematically implemented globally to genocide whites”.

The only surprise left to me is that so many people trust a man who is so outlandish that it won him a libel lawsuit, to tell them the news. So please…don’t. Don’t allow this silly man or his non-sense news show to make white-nationalism mainstream.



Azhurel Mendes

I'm a creative writer, who has made the transition towards journalism & leftist politics, & enjoy educating people through writing & a lot of patience.